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BREAKFAST CLUB - Classes of '51, 52, & 53
You are invited!

Folks from the Classes of '51, '52, and '53 (other classes welcome) meet the first Tuesday of the month at Denny's in Hudson at about 8:30 in the morning. Some come later and just have tea and folks do come and go. Sometimes we are only three and we have had as many as 23. Nola (Madson) & Dale Gehn are the real organizers - they do not have e-mail. You may contact Minnard Hojem - - for more information.

December 1, 2015 Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to Right: Minnard Hojem, Jerry Barriault, Lee Davison, Dave Gilstad, Verda Davison, Erleen Barriault

and Kathleen Dahlman.


November 3, 2015 Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to Right: Edith Hojem, Jerry Barriault, Lee Davison, Verda Davison, Nola Gehn, Dale Gehn, Dave Gilstad,

Anita Sundberg, Ann Randall, Erleen Barriault, Carol Poff, Kathleen Dahlman, Linda Wood, and Dick Wood.

Craig & Mary Louise Olson were late for the picture, so they are 'in the corner!!'


September 1, 2015 Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to Right: Edith Hojem, Verda Davison, Carol Poff, Sue Sorenson, Rollin Sorenson, Dale Gehn, Mary Louise Olson,

Craig Olson, Dave Gilstad, Lillian Riedel, Wally Riedel, Lee Davison, Mary Ann Timm, Gerald Timm, Nola Gehn and

Reta Sanford (Anita Sundberg arrived after picture was taken! Minnard Hojem took the picture!


August 4, 2015 Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to Right: Jerry Barriault, Lee Davison, Craig Olson, Mary Louise Olson, Anita Sundberg, Kathleen Dahlman, Erleen Barriault,

Dale Gehn, Dave Gilstad, Carol Poff, Nola Gehn, Shirley Olson, Ann Randall, Edith Hojem & Minnard Hojem.


July 6, 2015 Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to Right: Nola Gehn, Reta Sanford, Lillian Riedel, Verda Davison, Sue Sorenson, Rollin Sorenson, Erleen Barriault, Dale Gehn, Dave Gilstad, Anita Sundberg, Carol Poff, Linda Wood, Dick Wood, Wayne Voelker, Bernard Voelker, Jerry Barriault, Lee Davison, Wally Riedel, Ann Randall. (Mary Louise Olson, Craig Olson, Edith Hojem and Minnard Hojem attended, but are not on picture!!!)


June 2, 2015 Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to right: Ann Randall, Dick Wood, Wayne Voelker, Gerald Timm, Mary Ann Timm, Verda Davison, Lee Davison, Dale Gehn, Dave Gilstad, Caroll Poff, Edith Hojem, Mary Louise Olson, Craig Olson, Linda Wood, Nola Gehn, and Rita Sanford.

Minnard Hojem took the picture!


April 7, 2015 Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to right: Wayne Voelker, Lee Davison, David Gilstad, Jerry Barriault, Randi (Ann's daughter), Edith Hojem, Erlene Barriault, Carol Poff, Shirley Olson, Mary Louise Olson, Craig Olson, Linda & Dick Wood.

Ann Randall on the wall in back and Minnard Hojem holding up the Coke! They missed "seated picture".


February 3, 2015 Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to right: Edith Hojem, Verrda Davison, Ann Randall, Craig Olson, Mary Louise Olson, Dave Gilstad, Lee Davison & Minnard Hojem


January 6, 2015 Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to right around table: Edith Hojem, John Randall, Ann Randall, Verda Davison, Lee Davison, Erleen Barriault, Jerry Barriault, Minnard Hojem & Dave Gilstad.



December 1, 2014 Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to right around table: Lillian Riedel, Nola Gehn, Mary Louise Olson, Ann Randall, Anita Sundberg, Carol Poff, Verda Davison, Kathleen Dahlman, Jerry Barriault, Lee Davison, Erleen Barriault, Dave Gilstad, Dale Gehn, Edith Hojem, Craig Olson & Wally Reidel. Minnard Hojem took the picture.


November 4, 2014 Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to right around table: Ann Randall, Nola Gehn, Verda Davison, Lee Davison, Linda Wood, Dick Wood, Dale Gehn, Dave Gilstad, Edith Hojem, Wayne Voeld\ker, Jerry Barriault, Erleen Barriault, Kathleen Dahlman, Carol Poff. Minnard Hojem took the picture.


October 7, 2014 Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to right around table: Lillian Riedel, Dick Wood, Minnard Hojem, Jerry Barriault, Gerald Timm, Wayne Voelker, Rollin Sorenson, Dale Gehn, Lee Davison, Dave Gilstad, (Waitress), Wally Riedel, Verda Davison, Nola Gehn, Sue Sorenson, Mary Ann Timm, Erlene Barriault, Kathleen Dahlman, Edith Hojem, Linda Wood & Ann Randall. (Anita Sundberg in upper right corner!! Late arrival!!!)


September 2, 2014 Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to Right around table: Reta Sanford, Sue Sorenson,  Rollin Sorenson, Carol Poff, Lillian Riedel, Ann Randall, Nola Gehn, Verda Davison, Wally Riedel, Dave Gilstad, Edith Hojem, Minnard Hojem & Dale Gehn


August 4, 2014 Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to right around table: Craig Olson, Mary Louise Olson, Reta Sanford, Edith Hojem, Sue Sorenson, Rollin Sorenson, Carol Poff, Ann Randall, Dave Gilstead, Minnard Hojem, Jerry Barriault, Verda Davison, Lee Davison, Wayne Voelkeer, Erleen Barriault, Dale Gehn, Nola Gehn, Linda Wood & Dick Wood


July 1, 2014 Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to Right around table: Reta Sanford, Nola Gehn, Linda Wood, Ann Randall, Sue Sorenson, Rollin Sorenson, Lee Davison, Verda Davison, Dave Gilstad, Kathleen Dahlman, Erleen Barriault, Jerry Barriault, Wayne Voelker, Dick Wood, Dale Gehn, Wally Riedel, Lillian Reidel & Edith Hojem


June 1, 2014 Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to Right around table: Janet Gavic, Edith Hojem, Shirley Olson, Dale Gehn, Wayne Voelker, Gerald Timm,

Nola Gehn, Carol Poff, Linda Wood, Ann Randall, (waitress standing), Dick Wood, Mary Ann Timm, Lee Davison,

Verda Davison, Sue Sorenson, Rollin Sorenson, Mary Louise Olson, Craig Olson, Dave Gilstad, Minnard Hojem

(Anita Sundberg was also there, but not on picture!!)


May 6, 2014 Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to Right around table: Dale Gehn, Edith Hojem, Ann Randell, Nola Gehn, Reta Sanford, Carol Poff, Mary Ann Timm, LindaWood, Anita Sandberg, Lillian Riedel, Dave Gilstad, Wally Riedel, Dick Wood, Gerald Timm, Mary Louise Olson, Craig Olson, Erleen Barriault, Jerry Barriault, Kathleen Dahlman (Lee Davison standing) (Verda Davison not on picture??)


March 4, 2014 - Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to right around table: Wally Riedel, Dick Wood, Linda Wood, Verda Davison, Carol Poff, Mary Louise Olson, Kathleen Dahlman, Craig Olson, Dave Gilstad, Erleen Barriault, Lee Davison, Jerry Barriault, Edith Hojem & Lillian Riedel. (Minnard Hojem took picture.


February 4, 2014 - Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson



Top Picture left to right around table: Dick Wood, Linda Wood, Erlene Barriault, Kathleen Dahlman, Minnard Hojem, Jerry Barriault, Lee Davison, Mary Louise Olson, Craig Olson.

Bottom Left Picture: Dick wood & Anita Sundberg.      Bottom Right Picture: Rita Sanford & Edith Hojem.

Waitress took pictures and couldn’t get all in one picture!!! So she took several!!! Minnard had to do “patchwork!”


December 3, 2013 - Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to Right Around Table: Minnard Hojem, Edith Hojem, Nola Gehn, Erlene Bariault, Verda Davison,

Jerry Barriault, Dale Gehn, Mary Louise Olson & Craig Olson

November 5, 2013 - Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to Right Around Table: Nola Gehn, Verda Davison, Ann Randall, Mary Ann Timm, Gerald Timm,

Wayne Voelker, Dick Wood, Linda Wood, Lillian Riedel, Rita Sanford, Kathleen Dahlman, Erlene Barriault,

Jerry Barriault, Wally Riedel, Lee Davison, Dale Gehn, Edith Hojem, Carol Poff and Dave Gilstad.

Minnard Hojem took picture!


October 1, 2013 - Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to right around table: Edith Hojem, Nola Gehn, Mary Louise Olson, Craig Olson, Dave Gilstad, Dale Gehn, Wayne Voulker, Lee Davison, Verda Davison, & Rita Sanford. Minnard Hojem took the picture!


September 3, 2013 - Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to Right around table: Dale Gehn, Wayne Voelker, Dick Wood, Linda Wood, Carol Poff, Ann Randall, Rita Sanford, Nola Gehn, Verda Davison, Lee Davison, Lillian Riedel, Wally Riedel & Dave Gilstad. Minnard & Edith Hojem were there but not on the picture!


August 8, 2013 - Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to right around table: Dave Gilstad, Dale Gehn, Gerald Timm, Mary Ann Timm, Carol Poff, Sue Sorenson, Roland Sorenson, Erlene Barriault, Nola Gehn, Kathleen Dahlman, Jerry Barriault, Lee Davison, Verda Davison, Mary Louise Olson, Craig Olson, Rita Sanford, Ann Randall & Edith Hojem. Minnard Hojem took the picture!

Their group has grown so large they needed to put two pictures together!


July 2, 2013 - Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to right around table: Dale Gehn, Wally Riedel, Gerald Timm, Mary Ann Timm, Anita Sundberg (standing), Linda Wood, Dick Wood, Mary Olson, Craig Olson, Dave Gilstad, Nola Gehn, Lillian Riedel (hiding behind Jerry), Jerry Barriault, Lee Davison, Edith Hojem, Rita Sanford & Ann Randal. (Minnard Hojem took picture!)


June 5, 2013  Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to right around the table: Sue Sorenson, Edith Hojem, Verda Davison, Lillian Riedel, Erlene Barriault, Rollin Sorenson, Minnard Hojem, Anita Sundberg, Dave Gilstad, Nola Gehn, Wally Riedel, Lee Davison, Jerry  Barriault, Dale Gehn, Gerald Timm and Mary Ann Timm.


February 5, 2013  Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Starting at the left, clockwise around the table: Ruthie Voelker, Mary Louise Olson, Edith Hojem, Rita Sanford, Verda Davison, Lee Davison,Dave Gilstad, Wally Reidel, Dick Wood, Linda Wood, Lillian Riedel, Craig Olson and Wayne Voelker, and Minnard Hojem who took the photo!


December 4, 2012 - Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to right around table: Edith Hojem, Linda Wood, Rita Sanford, Verda Davison, Mary Louise Olson, Anita Sundberg, Lillian Riedel, Mary Ann Timm, Wally Riedel, Gerald Timm, Dave Gilstad, Craig Olson, Lee Davison, Dick Wood. (Minnard Hojem took picture!)                                              


We will meet on January 1, 2013 at Denny's. We hope to see you all there!

September 4, 2012 - Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to Right: Ann Randall, Sue Sorenson, Rollin Sorenson, Lee Davison, Dick Wood, Dale Gehn, Dave Gilstad, Nola Gehn, Linda Wood, Mary Ann Timm, Gerald Timm, Ruthie Voelker & Wayne Voelker


July 3, 2012 - Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to Right: Edith Hojem, Lee Davison, Linda Wood, Ann Randall, Carol Poff, Nola Gehn, Kathleen Dahlman, Erlene Barriault, Jerry Barriault, Dave Gilstad, Dale Gehn, Dick Wood, and Minnard Hojem

Left to Right: Edith Hojem, Lee Davison, Linda Wood, Ann Randall, Carol Poff, Nola Gehn, Kathleen Dahlman, Erlene Barriault, Jerry Barriault, Dave Gilstad, Dale Gehn, Dick Wood


June 5, 2012 - Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to Right: Edith Hojem, Erlene Barriault, Sue Sorenson, Rollin Sorenson, Lee Davison, Dale Gehn,Dave Gilstad, Jerry Barriault, Reta Sanford, Nola Gehn, Gerald Timm, Mary Ann Timm & Lillian Riedel


May 29, 2012 - Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson with John & Cheryl Barstad from Alaska!

Left to Right: Wayne Volker, Ruthie Volker, Lorraine Punchard, Cheryl Barstad, John Barstad, Carol Poff, Anita Sundberg, Ann Randall, Reta Sanford. (Dale & Nola Gehn & Minnard Hojem were there but did not get in on the picture!!)


May 1, 2012 - Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to right around the table: Edith Hojem, Lillian Riedel, Rita Sanford, Sue Sorenson, Carol Poff, Nola Gehn, Verda Davison, Ann Randall, Lee Davison, Craig Olson, Mary Louise Olson, David Gilstad, Dale Gehn, Wally Riedel, Mary Ann Timm & Gerald Timm.


Left to right around the table: Minnard Hojem, Lillian Riedel, Rita Sanford, Sue Sorenson, Rollin Sorenson, Carol Poff, Nola Gehn, Verda Davison, Ann Randall, Lee Davison, Craig Olson  Mary Louise Olson, David Gilstad, Dale Gehn, Wally Riedel, Marry Ann Timm & Gerald Timm

Note from Minnard: John Barstad sent Minnard an e-mail and told him to "give the camera to someone else so we get you in the picture!!" So, Edith took this picture as Minnard took her seat at the table!! Had to put two pictures together for this picture so it is a little "OFF CENTER!!!"


April 3, 2012 - Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to right: Dave Gilstad, Ann Randall, Lee Davison, Verda Davison,

Rita Sanford, Erlene Barriault, Kathleen Dahlman, Jerry Barriault & Edith Hojem.

Photographer - Minnard Hojem


March 6, 2012 - Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Left to right: Gerald Timm, Wayne Voelker, Ruthie Voelker, Linda Wood, Ann Randall,

Dick Wood, Dave Gilstad, Jerry Barriault, Wally Riedel, Erlene Barriault, Kathleen Dahlman.

Photographer - Minnard Hojem


February 7, 2012 Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson

Lillian Riedel, Linda Wood, Rita Sanford, Dave Gilstad, Verda Davison, Kathleen

Dahlman, Erlene Barriault, Jerry Barriault, Lee Davison, Dick Wood & Wally Riedel.

Photographer - Minnard Hojem


October 4, 2011 Class Breakfast at Denny's in Hudson: L to R: Kathleen Dahlman, Erlene (Dahlman) Barriault, Jerry Barriault, Lee Davison, Verda Davison, Dave Gilstad, Dale Gehn, Edith Hojem, Sus Sorenson, Rollin Sorenson, Nola Gehn & Rita Sanford



Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Left, Around the Table: Linda Wood, Edith Hojem, Verda Davison, Sue Sorenson,

Lillian Riedel, Rollin Sorenson, Lee Davison, Dick Wood, Wally Riedel, Dave Gilstad,

Dale Gehn, Wayne Voelker, Ruthie Voelker, Anita Sundberg, Reta Sanford, Nola Gehn.

Taking this Photo: Minnard Hojem.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Left Side: Linda Wood, Nola Gehn, Lillian Riedel, Carol Poff, Dave Gilstad, Lee Davison.

Right Side from far end: Wally Riedel, Dale Gehn, Dick Wood, Edith Hojem, Rita Lansing

and Ann Randall.   Taking this Photo: Minnard Hojem.


Monday, June 1, 2010


Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Tuesday, April 5, 2010

Left to right: Ann (Eitland) Randall, Rita (Lansing) Sanford, Edith (Swenson) Hojem, Ruth (Thompson) Voelker, Lillian (Thompson) Reidel, Verda Davidson, Wally Riedel, Lee Davidson, Wayne Voelker & Dave Gilstad Only difference in bottom picture is Minnard Hojem next to Dave Gilstad (Waitress took this picture for us!!)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Jerry Britton

Dick Wood, Wayne Voelker, Gerald Timm, Jim O'Connell, Wally Riedel, Dave Gilstad, John Randall:

Anita (Larson) Sunberg, Ann (Eitland) Randall, Lillian (Tompson) Reidel, Jan (Schue) O'Connell, Mary (Neisinger) Timm, Ruth (Thompson) Voelker, Linda Wood, Edith Hoyem.

Minnard Hojem was also present - he was taking the photos.